Replace Multiple Missing Teeth With Implant-Supported Dentures

iSmile Dental Care is a leading provider of dental implants and full-mouth restorations in the Plano community. Led by the renowned Dr. Ragnell, we take pride in offering cutting-edge dental treatments that combine efficiency with aesthetics. Among these, All On 4 dental implants in Plano, TX, stand out as a revolutionary procedure for patients missing multiple teeth.

What are All on 4 Dental Implants?

All On 4 dental implants refer to a prosthodontic procedure where just four implants support a full arch of teeth. These implants serve as pillars, holding the dental bridge or prosthetic teeth in place. This technique offers a solid foundation for prosthetic teeth (aka fixed dentures) and minimizes the need for bone grafting, which is sometimes required with traditional implants.

A 3D illustration of All On 4 Dental Implants in Plano, TX.

How Are All On 4 Implants Different From Traditional Dental Implants?

The journey to a restored smile can take various paths. While both All On 4 implants and traditional dental implants aim to provide patients with a new set of teeth anchored securely to the jawbone, their approaches, design, and sometimes, the target audience can differ significantly. As one of the leading providers of All On 4 dental implants in Plano, TX, Dr. Ragnell often educates patients about these distinctions. Let’s dive into the primary differences between these two popular implant methodologies.

Number of Implants:

As the name suggests, this method uses just four implants to support an entire arch of teeth. These implants are strategically placed to take maximum advantage of the available bone, often eliminating the need for bone grafting.

Depending on the number of missing teeth, traditional implants may involve placing an implant for each missing tooth, leading to potentially many more than four implants.

Placement Angle:

The rear implants are usually tilted at an angle of up to 45 degrees with full-mouth dental implants. This tilt offers increased bone-to-implant contact and often allows the use of longer implants.

Traditional Dental Implants are typically placed vertically, perpendicular to the bite of the teeth.

Procedure Duration:

Due to the reduced number of implants and often the absence of bone grafting, the All On 4 procedure can be quicker, allowing patients to receive a full arch of replacement teeth in a single day.

Prosthetic Flexibility:

All On 4 are designed primarily for full-arch restorations. Regular dental implants offer more flexibility and can be used for single-tooth replacement, multiple teeth, or a full arch.

Your choice largely depends on your oral health situation, the number of teeth you need to replace, and your preferences. Dr. Ragnell, our esteemed dentist in Plano, can offer guidance based on his extensive expertise, ensuring that you opt for the solution that best aligns with your dental goals.

Benefits of All on 4 Dental Implants

  • Faster Treatment and Recovery Time: Fewer implants mean less surgery and, consequently, a faster recovery.
  • Eliminates the Need for Bone Grafting: The strategic placement of the implants often negates the need for bone grafting, which is sometimes essential for traditional implants.
  • Stable and Secure: The All On 4 design ensures the implants remain firmly anchored, offering a natural and comfortable bite.
  • Aesthetically Pleasing: These implants support prosthetic teeth that are crafted to perfection, ensuring a beautiful, natural-looking smile.

Who is a Good Candidate for All On 4 Dental Implants?

At iSmile Dental Care, we frequently field questions about who is the right fit for the transformative All On 4 dental implant procedure. Dr. Ragnell believes in tailoring treatments to individual needs. However, specific general criteria make someone an excellent candidate for All On 4 dental implants in Plano, TX. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Significant Tooth Loss or Deterioration: The primary candidates for All On 4 implants are those with extensive tooth loss or those who might be looking at the removal of the remaining teeth. Whether due to gum disease, trauma, or decay, All On 4 can provide a full-arch restoration, rejuvenating the smile.
  2. Limited Bone Volume: One of the standout features of All On 4 implants is the ability to work with minimal bone volume. Patients who have suffered bone loss and don’t have sufficient bone structure for traditional implants often find All On 4 a viable solution, as it often eliminates the need for bone grafting.
  3. Desire for a Fixed Solution: Those who want a non-removable, fixed prosthetic solution will find All On 4 implants appealing. Unlike dentures that can be taken out, All On 4 implants provide a fixed set of teeth that function and feel much like natural teeth.
  4. Looking for Quick Results: If you’re hoping for a swift transformation, All On 4 is enticing. With the possibility of receiving a full set of replacement teeth in just one day, it’s a rapid solution for those eager to restore their smile promptly.
  5. Good Oral Health: While All On 4 is an excellent solution for many, candidates must be free from active gum disease or infections. Any existing oral health issues should be addressed before undergoing the implant procedure.
  6. Overall Health: Just like any surgical procedure, being in good general health is crucial. Conditions like uncontrolled diabetes, certain bone diseases, or a compromised immune system might affect the body’s ability to heal and integrate with the implants. Discussing your full medical history with Dr. Ragnell to ensure a safe and successful outcome is essential.
  7. Commitment to Oral Hygiene: Post-surgery, patients must be committed to maintaining excellent oral hygiene. Regular brushing, flossing, and routine check-ups at iSmile Dental Care with your trusted dentist in Plano, Dr. Ragnell, are vital for the longevity of the implants.
Dr. Richard Ragnell educating a patient of their oral health with a 3D rendering of their smile at iSmile Dental Care in Plano, TX.

What To Expect

  1. Consultation: Your journey starts with a thorough consultation with Dr. Ragnell, our experienced dentist in Plano. He will evaluate your oral health, discuss your dental goals, and determine your eligibility for the all-on-4 dental implants.
  2. Planning: Using advanced imaging technology, Dr. Ragnell will map out the precise location for the four implants, ensuring optimal support for the prosthetics.
  3. Surgery: The implants are surgically placed into the jawbone. Temporary teeth might be provided on the same day, allowing patients to leave the clinic with a full set of teeth.
  4. Recovery: While the implants integrate with the bone – a process called osseointegration – you will be advised on how to care for your temporary teeth.
  5. Final Prosthetics: Once the healing is complete, you will return to iSmile Dental Care to get your permanent, custom-designed prosthetic teeth fitted onto the implants.


Navigating the world of dental implants can be daunting, especially with so many advancements in recent years. At iSmile Dental Care we believe in transparency and patient education. To simplify your decision-making process, we’ve addressed some of the most common questions about All On 4 dental implants.

Q: How long is the recovery period?

While patients can often resume daily activities within a day or two, full healing and osseointegration (where the implant fuses with the bone) can take a few months. Dr. Ragnell will provide guidelines tailored to your recovery.

Q: Are all on 4 implants removable like dentures?

No, All On 4 implants are fixed prosthetics. They are securely anchored to the jawbone, providing a stable, non-removable solution that feels and functions like natural teeth. They can only be removed by a dental professional.

Q: How do I care for my All On 4 implants?

Treat them just like your natural teeth. This includes regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups at iSmile Dental Care to ensure they remain in pristine condition.

Q: How long do these implants last?

All On 4 dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance. It’s crucial to maintain regular dental visits and practice good oral hygiene.

Q: Is there a payment plan for All On 4 dental implants?

At iSmile Dental Care, we understand that investing in your dental health is a significant decision. We offer various payment and financing options to make the procedure more accessible. During your consultation, our financial coordinator will discuss the available plans, ensuring you find a solution that aligns with your budget.

Q: What do All On 4 implants cost?

The cost of All On 4 implants can vary based on several factors, including the complexity of the case, any additional treatments required, and the materials used for the prosthetics. Dr. Ragnell believes in transparency, and after a thorough assessment during your consultation, we’ll provide you with a detailed cost breakdown. We’re committed to offering competitive pricing without compromising the quality of care.

Smile Confidently With All On 4 Dental Implants in Plano, TX

Are you ready to restore your smile and enjoy the full functionality a complete smile brings? Discover the transformative power of All On 4 dental implants in Plano, TX. Dr. Ragnell and the iSmile Dental Care team look forward to being a part of your journey.

Contact us today at (972)-702-6343 to schedule a consultation and begin your journey toward a healthier, more radiant smile. Remember, a brighter smile is just an appointment away.

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